Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Toll House Cookies v2.0

Since I'm new to the baking game, I'll take as much help as possible. And the folks at Nestle have proven to be excellent coaches. Few recipes are as tried-and-true as the basic Toll House chocolate chip cookie. Delicious, easy, and made with accessible ingredients that store well in your fridge and pantry. Which isn't to say I can just follow the recipe and leave it at that. Instead, I've doctored up these little treats with a few ingredients that marry well with chocolate and brown sugar (the two flavors that seem most prominent to me).

the music and footwear
Silver Atlas' Layover album and SmartWool socks

the damages
mixing bowl
1 cup (c) measuring cup
1 teaspoon (t) measuring spoon
1/4 teaspoon (t) measuring spoon
stand mixer bowl and dough attachment
baking sheet(s)
two soup spoons

the ingredients 
Nestle's Toll House chocolate chip cookie recipe PLUS
1/4 t fresh ground nutmeg
1/4 t cinnamon
2 soup spoons of coco powder

the preparation
Preheat your oven to 375. Prepare the cookie dough according to the recipe on your bag of chocolate chips. Add the nutmeg, coco powder, and cinnamon to the mixing bowl prior to the chocolate chips.


tips and techniques
Keep a few sticks of butter in a container in your cabinet or pantry so you have room-temperature butter on hand anytime

Double the recipe and freeze the dough - cutting your clean-up time in half

I use silicone baking pads on my baking sheets. They make for easy cookie removal and clean-up

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